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10 Baby Names for Software Developers

Alex Kessinger


  This list started as a joke I made to my sister when she was pregnant with her baby boy. We were both taking a summer term CS class at BYU. I told her, “How funny would it be if you named your baby Jason but spelled it JSON!” Thus the beginning of the list of baby names for developers.

  1. JSON
  2. Ruby
  3. Alloc
  4. Julia
  5. Kali
  6. Atom
  7. Jetty
  8. Maven
  9. Jenkins
  10. Gerrit

JSON: A text format that uses a specific syntax to represent data objects. These objects are made up of key-value pairs, which are separated by commas and surrounded by curly braces.

Ruby: An object-oriented language that supports features such as dynamic typing, garbage collection, and reflection. It has a syntax that is easy to read and write, which makes it popular among programmers who value code readability and elegance.

Alloc: Short for ‘allocation’ which is referring to memory allocation (might be a stretch). Memory allocation is a fundamental concept in computer science that refers to the process of reserving and assigning a portion of a computer's memory to a specific program or application.

Julia: A dynamically-typed language that combines features of both dynamic scripting languages, like Python and Ruby, and compiled languages, like C and Fortran. It has a syntax that is similar to MATLAB or Python, which makes it easy to learn for users of those languages.

Kali: A specialized Linux distribution that is designed for advanced penetration testing and ethical hacking. It includes a wide range of pre-installed tools and software packages for security testing, including network scanning, vulnerability analysis, password cracking, and more.

Atom: A free and open-source text editor that is designed for developers. Atom is built on the Electron framework and uses web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a highly customizable and extensible editing environment.

Jetty: A lightweight and scalable web server that is designed to be highly performant and reliable. It supports a wide range of Java-based web technologies, including Servlets, JavaServer Pages (JSP), Java WebSocket, and more.

Maven: A command-line tool that helps developers manage the build process for their Java-based projects. It automates the process of compiling, testing, packaging, and deploying Java code, as well as managing dependencies between different libraries and components.

Jenkins: A web-based application that runs on a server and is used to automate repetitive tasks in software development, such as building, testing, and deploying code. It is highly configurable and can be customized to work with a wide range of tools and technologies.

Gerrit: A web-based application that runs on a server and is used to manage code reviews and merges for Git repositories. It is designed to integrate seamlessly with the Git version control system and provides a range of features for managing the review process, such as reviewing and commenting on code changes, tracking changes over time, and managing access controls.